I provide a variety of services from a wholistic and individualized perspective. A plan can be made based on your desires and needs. I use standard labs, which can be billed through your insurance, as well as many different functional medicine labs. I strive to keep costs affordable. Please reach out if you have specific questions or concerns.

I take a thorough health history and look at diet and lifestyle factors that may contribute to your current condition. The goal is to look “upstream” for causes of disease and then come up with a plan to help you achieve your wellness goals.
Click here to download more info on working with a Functional Provider

I can provide prescriptions, Pap smears and well child exams. Vaccines are given by local pharmacies if needed.NOTE: While I can provide primary care services, for insurance purposes, you do need a primary care provider since I am not available 24/7.

Looking at baseline labs, discussing the symptom history, as well as risk factors are all taken into consideration when making a plan for support. Delving into gut health and detoxification patterns are also important factors in supporting hormonal health.
I use only bioidentical hormones for sex hormone support and a variety of combinations for thyroid support.

Evaluation of diet, food intake, and exercise levels. To increase performance, specific blood work and nutrient levels are evaluated. Dietary & lifestyle recommendations, and use supplements at times to improve sports and cognitive performance can be supportive. Bredesen Protocol support for cognitive performance is available.

In depth explanation to standard labs. Additional labs are available to look deeper at gut health via stool testing, hormones and organic acids with urine testing, as well as other testing for cardiovascular health, food sensitivity and nutritional status.

Nutritional advice tailored to your needs. Focus on dietary plans to support specific conditions based on evidence based research.
Pricing is listed on the schedule tab. I am out of network with all insurances. I am not able to see Medical Assistance patients, but MediCare is fine.
Please note, I offer at home or out of office visit options for an additional $100 fee.
Insurance is not billed, but a super bill can be provided for out of network coverage if your plan provides this options. The focus is quality time spent with patients, not dealing with insurance plans.
I have opted out of Medicare, but labs/imaging can be run through insurance
Please email for more information on these options or questions.